An individual might think the main reason why a person has sunburn is because they are lazy and did not care to apply sunscreen . As a matter of fact there can be multiple influences why a person has a sunburn, such as their sunscreen washed off which led to the persons skin being exposed to the sun and became more burnt as the day went on. Or they are an absent minded type of person. He
or she was so busy thinking about all the singles on the beach they forgot to apply sunscreen before strutting down the beach. Another individual who has sensitive skin may not be able to wear sunscreen so they must go without. A person can only go so long in the sun before frying their skin. After a while the unprotected individual becomes sunburnt which may lead to the skin to be tender. The sunburnt victim usually feels embarrassed walking around for days with red skin. In addition a person with severe sunburns can suffer from sun poisoning. Another outcome is the sunburn can lead to a person having skin cancer and die.